Monday, October 6, 2008

What I'm working on.

I started a necklace last week using my ClinkIts. I'm not done and I'm not sure if I'm going to use the stone chips between the wire wrapped glass pieces or pick some cut glass (something with sparkle). I'm leaning towards sparkle, something like the bead I used in the lower right of the photo. It's pressed glass, an amber color.

My son got his yellow belt in Karate this weekend. I'm so proud of him. At 4.5, he is one of the youngest in the Little Dragons class. If they were giving out 'cute' awards, he definitely would have won first place!


Heather said...

Congrats to your son. My daughter just started karate at the end of August.

I haven't done nearly the crafting I thought I would do since school started.

Anonymous said...

I was reading your blog (I'm mom2blu your partner on swap-bot) and saw clink-its and thought "boy that sounds familiar!" then continued reading and was like "wait a minute Alicia G?!!??!?! I know that name!"

thought about it for awhile.

Cyberstampers!! Remember those days!?!??! I was Cheerio over there for several years, taught there and everything.

Boy, who knew a partner on swap-bot would be such a blast from the past!